
Alphabe-Thursday-Rainbow Summer School - Rainbow Orange

Orange Lily
All photos on this post are the copyright Christina Wigren

These are some orange beads from my collection of glass and other kinds of beads. I have no orange-coloured buttons at this time.

The colour orange is in between red and yellow. It is sometimes quite light and can be confused with yellow, when it is near yellow, but the red in it gives it a depth and weight that yellow alone does not have. Dirty orange is on its way to becoming brown. Pure orange is a signal colour, warning signs and clothing for prisoners or men who repair the road or hunters so as to not be shot by other hunters. So orange is both a practical as well as a artful colour.

The tube of paint labeled 'skin-colour' that I had in my paint-box as a child, was really a shade of orange mixed with white. I took these photos of the pink-orange peace-roses and the lily at the top of the page, about a month ago, just for this post. Now there are no orange flowers left in the garden.

Orange is a great accent-colour. I have one necklace that I am very proud of because it has been sold to at least two different buyers. It is made up of mostly simple black beads with just a few orange beads that are allowed to shine.

Click on image for for information about this necklace

Here is Elisabet with her orange-haired Pippi Longstocking doll late October, almost a year ago when she was five.

Thank you for visiting.
Best wishes,

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bkm of Signed...bkm

Jenny Matlock

To see more Rainbow ORANGE posts, please go to Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday Rainbow Summer School here.

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