
I planted a little story seed - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's - Saturday Centus - Week 77

Welcome to Saturday Centus, Mrs. Jenny Matlock's writing challenge where participants write a PG-rated text with a given prompt using not more than 100 words plus the six words of the prompt.

Jenny Matlock

This is week 77 and the prompt is
'I planted a little story seed...'. Here are Mrs. Matlock's instructions: WORD COUNT - 100 WORDS PLUS THE SIX WORDS OF THE PROMPT. Total word count not to exceed 106 words.
THE PROMPT FOR THIS WEEK IS: 'I planted a little story seed...'
Here is my text:

'Maybe it's not good enough, but I have it with me', said Martin Bucher to his editor, Wolfgang Dinkelspiel, at a luncheon-meeting.

'Did you write a collection of stories on the same theme?'

'Almost. I've written three and I have ideas for seven.

'Wonderful! What's your theme?'

'Must I tell you now?'

'No. You don't. But it might help you make a commitment and get it done. What is it?'

'It's "Whispers*"', said Bucher, giving Dinkelspiel his list of story-ideas.

'Now, that wasn't so hard, was it? I planted a little story seed, and look what I get, ten stories!'

Wordcount according to WordCalc: 100


Best wishes,

'Whispers' is the most recent theme for Romantic Friday Writers Challenge No. 24. Take a look at what some really fine, professional (and many published), writers have done with this versatile theme. I really like it, and just as Martin Bucher tried to do, I could have written ten stories connected to this theme! My two stories can be found here.

Thank you
Denise Convey (L'Aussie) and Francine Howarth for this gem of an idea! Denise and Francine (who did not write a text of her own for this challenge, but who usually writes each week) are the founders and co-hosts for this lovely weekly blog-fest for romantic writing.


First Commenter:



Rogue Artists

To read other SC-posts for Week 77 please go to this site or click on the image below:

Jenny MatlockLink

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