
Saturday Centus: Remember September 11th, 2001

Jenny Matlock

This is week nineteen of Saturday Centus, which is a themed writing meme. You can use UP to 100 words (not including the prompt) to tell your story. It can be fact or fiction. The only restrictions are: The prompt must be left intact WHICH MEANS you cannot split up the words in the prompt.

You have the entire week to link your work to the meme and you can link more than one story if you like. This week's promt is:

I stood frozen in front of the flickering images on my TV.
Here is my text:

I was in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast, thinking about the baby that was due in December. Glancing at my 'things-to-do-list', I turned on the TV and saw on the screen, the image of tall buildings on Manhattan. An aircraft flew into one of the tallest buildings. 'What does this mean?' I thought, remembering a visit just a year ago, to the Big Apple to see Sylvia, a girl I knew from college. It was on lower Manhattan that she showed me the place where she was going to work, a couple of enormously tall buildings called the 'World Trade Center'. I wondered if Sylvia was at work that day. I stood frozen in front of the flickering images on my TV.

To visit other Saturday Centus week #19-posts please go to this site.

Best wishes,

First Commenter:

Koby of
'Not all who wander are lost'

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