
X is for Xylophone - Alphabe -Thursday - Alphabet Soup

We have just finished our journey from A to Z with Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday and this week is a free-for-all that Mrs. Matlock calls 'Alphabet Soup'. Next week we start summer school with all the colours of the rainbow.
My Alphabet Soup-post is a retake of the letter X. My X-word is Xylophone.

My six-year old daughter, Elisabet, has always loved sounds and music. I sang to her when she was still unborn and all through her young life. I think it is a genuine interest with her, not just a response to my lullabys. She is humming and singing right now as I type this post.

Today, Thursday July 22nd, I took these quick snaps of Elisabet on the balcony with her beloved xylophone. I don't know why I did not think of it when we were doing the letter X. Maybe it is just because the word sounds like Z-I-L-O-F-O-N, and I did not remember that it started with an X. I am not the world's best speller! (One of the many reasons why these alphabet-challenges are good for me!)

Thank you Jenny Matlock for giving me another go at X. And thanks also for sticking with us for a new round of Alphabe-Thursday after the Summer School Rainbow!
Best wishes,

First Commenter:

JDaniel4's Mom

For more Alphabet Soup posts with Alphabe-Thursday, please visit this site.

Jenny      Matlock

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