
How To Get 1 Million Hits!

Hi everyone! I just read all of your wonderful ideas about what kind of prize should be had for my 1 million visitors giveaway! I will let you know what I have chosen when the milestone approaches! While I was reading your comments, I came across a suggestion from one of my followers, aussiegold (thanks Phil!). He wanted me to write a post about blog promotion. So that's what I am going to do today!

1. You want people to visit your blog so it needs to be interactive in some way. You need to keep the information new and updated so people have a reason to keep coming back. Maybe ask them to comment. Post a giveaway (this is a great idea to try). Anything to get your name out! On this note, create your own button so people can share it on their blog!

2. Love what you do and it will show! It also helps if your blog/webpage is useful to others. When I first began blogging, I found many sites that were very useful. When I finally learned how to tweak my blog to be "just right" I wanted to share what I had learned with all of you! And it helps if you offer "free stuff", too!

3. It's all about public relations! So, respond to people who leave comments! Visit their blogs. Don't forget to leave your email or contact button somewhere on your blog. Encourage people to write to you, and write back to them. Try and develop relationships with your visitors.

4. Get your name out there. List your blog on blog circles, advertise your blog on other blogs (like Tina's ;) or advertise on much larger scales. My personal favourite: Trek Advertising!

5. Wait it out. I didn't have all the traffic to start with. It takes time! But with regular posting and following these tips, your blog will slowly be known in the blogosphere.

With these suggestions in mind, your site can reach 1 million visitors, too!

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