
D is for Dog - Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe - Thursday Round 2 - D

Photo Copyright Christina Wigren

D is for Dog

(Please see this post a second time. It's Friday and I've added a third dog!)

Today is Wednesday and we continue with our journey through the Alphabet with Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday, Round 2. This week's letter is D. My D-word is Dog:

What to do? I don't own a dog and I don't want to just use photos from Wikipedia. I took my camera with me to fetch the children from school and asked a couple of dog owners if we could snap pictures of their dogs. The first person who obliged our request was a man who had two Bull Terriers.

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren
Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

But just one breed of dog is not enough for this theme challenge. We continue our walk along the avenue and spy another man with a Dachshund.

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

Thank you for allowing us to borrow your dogs!

This is Wikipedia's dog, a
Yellow Labrador Retriever, the most registered breed of 2009 with the AKC:

Photo Source: Wikipedia

If you are interested in learning more about these amazing animals, 'man's best friend', please read Wikipedia's article here.

Best wishes,


P.S. I'm not quite finished yet. Here is an extra dog !

It's friday morning and I finally found the lady

with the white dog that the children usually pet.

We saw her twice and I had no camera with me. I took my camera with me twice without seeing one single dog.

And now, Friday morning around nine o'clock I just got back from taking the children to school. I had already gone inside the house and changed my shoes.

And then I happened to glance out the window before going up the stairs and saw the white dog right outside our house. I still had my camera-bag in my hand.

I dashed out in my slippers and took these shots.

I hope he was worth coming back a second time to see on this post.

Thank you so much if you have done that.

Hugs from Anna

First Commenter:
Ann of
Ann's Snap Edit & Scrap

To visit other posts about the letter D, please go to Mrs. Jenny Matlock's site, Off My Tangent here.

Jenny Matlock

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