
Mellow Yellow Monday # 45 - Neighbours' house

Time passes quickly. Remember this nice yellow hedge-row from a few weeks ago? It was a perfect shot for an earlier Mellow Yellow Monday Meme.

And here is my neighbours' house, that I can see from my kitchen and bathroom windows.

This picture was taken at the same time as the yellow hedge. It's the house behind the hedge. Let's keep an eye on this mellow yellow house and see if we can get an uppdate. What does the house look like now?

Yes, this is the same house, but at eight o'clock in the evening, the same day as I write this post, the day after the first of Advent. You can se that they got their electric Christmas-star and the electric Advent-candles up. (I've got to get mine up too! But not for this post.)

Happy Monday!

The first commenter is: Scribbler

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